Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

Harness The Power of a Start-up… Even if You Aren't in Start-up Mode

Have you ever been part of a start-up? Do you know people who have? Recently, I have had the opportunity to work with a group that is in this phase of their development as an organization. There are a lot of the attributes I see in them I want to borrow for my team.

Organizational Effectiveness Personal Effectiveness

Be Careful Where You Aim – You Might Hit it There

When was the last time you took a vacation? This may seem like a random question, but it is not intended to be. One of the disciplines I have learned and had to relearn over the years is the value of getting away. Last week, I was able to spend a few days with my family at the beach. It was great! And as usual, even when I’m not working, I can still learn something…

Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

One Word… Collaboration

Often, a single word or concept can make huge difference for leaders and their organizations. I’ve written about some of these in the past: Inspire, Team, Hope, Diversity, Momentum and more. Today, let’s take a look at a word that is certainly trending: Collaboration.

Organizational Effectiveness

How to Create a Game Changing Scorecard – Part 2

How do you track your progress and monitor the impact of your actions? How do you know if you are winning? As a leader, you should have an answer to these questions. My answer: look at your scorecard.

Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

Today's Challenge: Creating A Culture of Accountability

I asked you to send me your leadership challenges last week. Thanks for the response! Although I’ve received enough for many, many weeks of blog posts, I encourage you to continue to send them my way. On Friday each week, I’ll respond to one of your questions. Today’s Challenge: How do you hold people accountable?

Organizational Effectiveness Results

How to Create a Game Changing Scorecard

Every leader and team should have a scorecard… I tried to convince you of this in my previous post. Today is part one of a post on how you can create a scorecard capable of driving real performance improvement. The following are some concrete ways to add impact to your scorecard.

Change Management Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

The Future of Work – Part 2

As I reported a few weeks ago, I have begun a personal experiment with a work style that may someday be the global norm. My Free Address approach is not particularly radical compared to the changing standards of the world at large, but for a chicken guy, this is out there.

Organizational Effectiveness Teams

Today's Challenge: Catalytic Meetings

Most meetings are useless. I’m guessing the more meetings you attend the more you’ll agree with that statement. Think about the REAL value of the last five meetings you attended. How much action was initiated or change realized as a result? That’s the topic of Today’s Challenge: How can we generate more action as a result of our meetings?

Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

Leadership Tug-of-war

What makes an idea sticky? For me, a picture is extremely helpful. Not only can an image create a memory hook, the right picture can provide understanding and even insight. While thinking and writing about High Performance Organizations over the last several years, I’ve been searching for just such a picture.

Organizational Effectiveness Teams Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Team vs. Organization?

Today’s question comes from a leader who is familiar with some of my past work, specifically, The Secret of Teams and Chess Not Checkers. If you are not, here’s a really quick overview: one is about the power of teams and the other is about the largely untapped potential resident in our organizations at large. The question from this leader: “How are the two ideas connected?”