Organizational Effectiveness

How to Create a Game Changing Scorecard – Part 2

How do you track your progress and monitor the impact of your actions? How do you know if you are winning? As a leader, you should have an answer to these questions. My answer: look at your scorecard.

Organizational Effectiveness Results

How to Create a Game Changing Scorecard

Every leader and team should have a scorecard… I tried to convince you of this in my previous post. Today is part one of a post on how you can create a scorecard capable of driving real performance improvement. The following are some concrete ways to add impact to your scorecard.

Organizational Effectiveness Teams Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Team vs. Organization?

Today’s question comes from a leader who is familiar with some of my past work, specifically, The Secret of Teams and Chess Not Checkers. If you are not, here’s a really quick overview: one is about the power of teams and the other is about the largely untapped potential resident in our organizations at large. The question from this leader: “How are the two ideas connected?”


Big Questions Leaders Ask (Part 1)

As I’ve shared several times over the last couple of years, I’m a huge fan of questions. The more questions I ask, the better I lead. This is a journey I’ve been on my entire career – one I’m still on today. I think about this topic a lot. One of my conclusions: all questions are valuable, but they are not all of equal value.