Personal Effectiveness

5 Things You Need to Succeed

Conventional wisdom says, “10,000 hours of deliberate practice will make you world-class.” A recent study from Princeton debunks this theory. I believe this is great news for leaders.

Personal Effectiveness

Today's Challenge: Overcoming Resistance

The extent to which we can overcome Resistance in our lives will determine the impact we have on the world.
Inspired by Stephen Pressfield’s classic book, The War of Art, in my last two posts, I shared some of the ways Resistance can compromise our life and our leadership. Today, I want to tackle the bigger question: How can I combat resistance?

Personal Effectiveness

Resistance is the Enemy

“Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us.” These words appear early in Stephen Pressfield’s classic book, The War of Art. Unless you consider yourself an artist or creative person of sorts, you’ve probably not read this book – as a leader, you should.

Organizational Effectiveness

How to Create a Game Changing Scorecard – Part 2

How do you track your progress and monitor the impact of your actions? How do you know if you are winning? As a leader, you should have an answer to these questions. My answer: look at your scorecard.

Leadership Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Leadership Success

I love the questions I receive from leaders! Over the last few years, many of the questions have been unique to a specific situation, however, there are others that ring true across age, gender, nationality and stage of career. These are some of my favorites. Today is one of those questions: How can I get ahead as a leader?

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

The Most Important Part of Leadership (It's Not What You Think)

Most leaders don’t understand what REALLY determines their success. We mistakenly believe our trajectory is determined by what we can do. This is a half-truth. As I look back on my career, I’m not sure when I discovered this – regrettably, it was MUCH later than I should have. Do you know what is required to be a great leader?

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Are You Prepared to Succeed?

Last winter in Atlanta, we had two major ice events. In both cases, many were unprepared. The consequences… a lot of scrambling to get ready and a lot of empty shelves. I guess that’s okay in the greater scheme of things. Ice events in Atlanta are fairly rare.

Today's Challenge Workplace Culture

Today's Challenge: Success

Success is a lousy teacher. The best leaders know this and are always on guard against complacency. This week’s question comes from a leader who has just completed a season of success. She is concerned her team won’t stay motivated. Today’s Challenge: How do you keep your team fully engaged in the wake of success?

Change Management Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

Must Wins

Have you started working on your 2015 plans for your organization? If not, it’s probably time. Where should you begin? One approach is to determine what’s most critical for your organization to accomplish in the coming years.

Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Big Decisions

In Great Leaders Grow, Ken Blanchard and I provided some sample questions you might consider asking of a more seasoned leader. I received a request from a reader to answer those questions. I’ll do that over the next few weeks. Today’s Challenge: What decisions in your life have made the greatest contributions to your success?