Development Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Low Cost Development

Leaders are resourceful – this should not be confused with full of resources. Often it is our ingenuity, creativity, tenacity or even our stubbornness that enables us to accomplish what other might perceive to be impossible. Today’s Challenge question is from a leader who is not “full of resources.” Her budget for developing people is extremely low – what should she do?

Leadership Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Leadership Success

I love the questions I receive from leaders! Over the last few years, many of the questions have been unique to a specific situation, however, there are others that ring true across age, gender, nationality and stage of career. These are some of my favorites. Today is one of those questions: How can I get ahead as a leader?

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Three Things Every Leader Should Do

I’ve been trying to learn to lead for decades (I still am) – and I’ve been trying to help other leaders grow for almost as long. One of my mistakes early in my career was a myopic focus on the skills of leadership to the exclusion of my character as a leader. Today, I understand the importance of both.

Character Leadership

Leaders Really Are Different… So What?

In celebration of the one-year anniversary of the release of The Heart of Leadership, I’m writing a few posts to underscore some of the big ideas from the book. One of these ideas often stirs debate but remains true: Leaders are different.