Development Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Low Cost Development

Leaders are resourceful – this should not be confused with full of resources. Often it is our ingenuity, creativity, tenacity or even our stubbornness that enables us to accomplish what other might perceive to be impossible. Today’s Challenge question is from a leader who is not “full of resources.” Her budget for developing people is extremely low – what should she do?


Leaders Don't Always Win

Our annual, national ritual known as March Madness is always full of both life and leadership lessons. I believe that’s one reason sports captures our imagination. It showcases our hopes, dreams and aspirations – even if we never suit up. At some level, we all want to win.

Leadership Vision

One Word… Vision (Part 3)

After more than 300 posts, this is the first one that I felt compelled to turn into three! When I started writing this, it was only going to be one – The importance of vision. Then, it turned into two – How to create a compelling vision. And now, what I believe to be the final installment – Why do so many leaders fail to turn vision into reality?

Character Leadership

The Heart of Leadership: I Own This…

In my upcoming book, The Heart of Leadership, one of the big ideas is that lack of skills rarely derails a leader – skills are too easy to learn. Most often, the issues that create challenges for us are those of leadership character.


The Power of Real Responsibility

Several years ago, Tim Tassopoulos and I had the opportunity to have breakfast with Stephen Covey. When I find myself with thought-leaders, regardless of their field, I always want to ask great questions. On this occasion, Tim beat me to it. He asked Dr. Covey, “How do you create leaders at every level in an organization?”