
My First Periscope Experience

Periscope provides the platform for instant access to a global audience. How will this latest new technology impact your leadership? If you haven’t thought about it seriously, today is a great day to start.

Communication Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Huh?

Have you ever been confused by a message you received from a leader? Have you ever received mixed messages from leaders in your organization? If your organization has at least two leaders, I’m confident the answer is “yes!’ Today’s Challenge: How do you avoid sending mixed messages throughout your organization?

Communication Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Clarity

Have you ever had the feeling that something in your head or heart was so clear you were convinced it must be clear to others? Only to realize you had deceived yourself, what was crystal clear to you was NOT clear to others. That is the context for today’s question: How do you achieve clarity with your team regarding what’s most important?

Communication Organizational Effectiveness Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Cascading Communications

If leaders cannot transfer critical messages throughout our entire organization, we will never realize our full potential. This is one of the messages we are sharing in our 25-city, Chess Not Checkers tour. The question most have is not why transferring critical information is important, but how?

Communication Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Daily Dose of Vision

Vision leaks. This is one of many leadership lessons Bill Hybels has taught me over the years. Tragically, many leaders miss this elemental truth. I guess the mistake is explainable, but not excusable. The logic goes something like this: Since the vision is still burning white hot in our spirit, we make the fatal assumption it is still vibrant in the hearts and minds of those we are attempting to lead. Wrong!


If You Can't Communicate, You Can't Lead (Part 2)

Communication is key to a leader’s success. In a recent post, I reviewed some of the reasons it is extremely difficult to communicate well. My list of contributing factors included: scope, time pressures, bias and complexity. Regardless of the difficulties, leaders must learn to communicate.

Communication Leadership

If You Can't Communicate, You Can't Lead (Part 1)

The longer I lead the more I’m convinced, communication is perhaps the most difficult aspect of leadership. I know this may seem strange. Even as I write this, I am asking myself, “Can this be right?” It seems like vision, strategy, competition, even people, would all top the list of what makes leadership challenging.

Communication Personal Effectiveness

Make the Best Presentation of Your Career

A few weeks ago, I shared a couple of posts on preparation with the promise of more to come. It’s taken me a few weeks to get back to it, but I wanted to honor that promise. Today, let’s think about how you prepare for a big meeting.


The Fine Art of Facilitation – Part 2

Last week, I wrote about some of the ways a facilitator increases the odds of making a meeting successful. Today, I want to talk about the role of the facilitator in a different setting – a learning environment.

Change Management Communication Personal Effectiveness

People Love a Good Story

As I mentioned in a previous post entitled Why Story Matters, I recently attended the Story Seminar conducted by the legendary Robert McKee. It was fascinating and grueling – Robert taught for 32 hours over a four-day period!