Communication Personal Effectiveness

Make the Best Presentation of Your Career

A few weeks ago, I shared a couple of posts on preparation with the promise of more to come. It’s taken me a few weeks to get back to it, but I wanted to honor that promise. Today, let’s think about how you prepare for a big meeting.

Leadership SERVE

What's Your Picture of the Future?

As we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of The Secret, I thought I’d write about each of the five practices Ken and I outlined in the book. Although the practices were never intended to represent the steps or process of becoming a leader, the first practice is where leadership begins. Great leaders See the Future.

Personal Effectiveness

Just Like Magic… A New Year!

January 1st is one of my favorite days every year. I know it doesn’t make sense at a rational level – it’s just another day, right? Yes and no. There is something quite powerful about a fresh start. A new year provides that chance.