Communication Personal Effectiveness

Make the Best Presentation of Your Career

A few weeks ago, I shared a couple of posts on preparation with the promise of more to come. It’s taken me a few weeks to get back to it, but I wanted to honor that promise. Today, let’s think about how you prepare for a big meeting.


The Fine Art of Facilitation – Part 2

Last week, I wrote about some of the ways a facilitator increases the odds of making a meeting successful. Today, I want to talk about the role of the facilitator in a different setting – a learning environment.


The Fine Art of Facilitation

Have you been in a great meeting recently? I know for some of you that may sound like an impossibility. My fear is many of you can’t remember the last time you went to a great meeting. One reason we attend so many low impact meetings is absence of a skilled facilitator.

Change Management Organizational Effectiveness Uncategorized Workplace Culture

The 5 Levers of Change (Part 4) Reward & Recognition

How do you honor the people in your organization? A couple of years ago, I was making a focused effort to improve in this arena. I knew intuitively different people place different value on various types of recognition. However, to truly honor people, I needed to know specifically what was of value to them individually.