Organizational Effectiveness Personal Effectiveness

Be Careful Where You Aim – You Might Hit it There

When was the last time you took a vacation? This may seem like a random question, but it is not intended to be. One of the disciplines I have learned and had to relearn over the years is the value of getting away. Last week, I was able to spend a few days with my family at the beach. It was great! And as usual, even when I’m not working, I can still learn something…

Organizational Effectiveness Results

How to Create a Game Changing Scorecard

Every leader and team should have a scorecard… I tried to convince you of this in my previous post. Today is part one of a post on how you can create a scorecard capable of driving real performance improvement. The following are some concrete ways to add impact to your scorecard.

Leadership Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Leading a Turnaround

Leadership challenges come in all shapes and sizes. Think about your career – if you’ve been leading long, you’ve probably encountered people issues, organizational issues, startup opportunities, and one of my favorites – the turnaround. Today’s Challenge: Are different leadership skills needed to orchestrate a turnaround?


The Fine Art of Facilitation – Part 2

Last week, I wrote about some of the ways a facilitator increases the odds of making a meeting successful. Today, I want to talk about the role of the facilitator in a different setting – a learning environment.

Change Management

The 5 Levers of Change (Part 2) Measurement

I remember a leadership challenge I faced years ago. We had a goal to be ranked #1 by our customers in 25 markets around the country. We had been pursuing this for several years and we knew we were close. When we received our scorecard, we had met our goal in 23 of the 25 markets. The two markets in which we were lagging were my accountability.