Leadership Personal Effectiveness

The Key to Greater Impact

As I wrote this title, I wondered, “Is this true? Is there really a single “key” to greater impact? Should I choose different language?” Here’s what I know: I’ve been looking for ways to better steward my leadership for almost four decades. Some days I feel I get it right, other times I feel I’ve failed miserably. Through it all, this one idea surfaces again and again.

Organizational Effectiveness Teams

Today's Challenge: Catalytic Meetings

Most meetings are useless. I’m guessing the more meetings you attend the more you’ll agree with that statement. Think about the REAL value of the last five meetings you attended. How much action was initiated or change realized as a result? That’s the topic of Today’s Challenge: How can we generate more action as a result of our meetings?

Change Management Organizational Effectiveness

Today's Challenge: Sticky Systems

Every leader I know is pursuing excellence in his or her arena. Consistent execution is the final hall pass on the path to greatness. Systems make excellence predictable. However, systems only work when we work them. Today’s question is from a leader who asked: “How do we make new systems stick?”

Leadership Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Leading a Turnaround

Leadership challenges come in all shapes and sizes. Think about your career – if you’ve been leading long, you’ve probably encountered people issues, organizational issues, startup opportunities, and one of my favorites – the turnaround. Today’s Challenge: Are different leadership skills needed to orchestrate a turnaround?

Change Management Organizational Effectiveness

Why Leaders Love Catalytic Events

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year in our business. We’re hosting our annual meeting. Yes, the hours are grueling, stress levels do rise, and there is considerable expense – but it’s worth it. Catalytic events can be the spark an organization needs to go to the next level.