Organizational Effectiveness

Win The Heart

In Chess Not Checkers, I wrote about the most misunderstood and overlooked facet of creating a High Performance Organization: Win the Heart. Leaders mistakenly believe the “soft stuff” will derail their efforts to achieve the organization’s goals – nothing could be further from the truth!

Change Management Organizational Effectiveness

Why Leaders Love Catalytic Events

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year in our business. We’re hosting our annual meeting. Yes, the hours are grueling, stress levels do rise, and there is considerable expense – but it’s worth it. Catalytic events can be the spark an organization needs to go to the next level.

Organizational Effectiveness Vision Workplace Culture

Purpose Matters

From time to time, I have the opportunity to help a team, business or non-profit agency answer the question: Why do we exist? I’m always delighted to help, but the irony is that I never know the answer to the question. All I can do is poke, prod and ask a few questions along the way.