Change Management Leadership Workplace Culture

Don't Change That!

Last week, I wrote a post asserting that leaders must create change. I stand by that. If you and I can’t create positive change, we won’t be allowed to lead for long. However, there’s another facet of our role. We are also the guardians for what should not change.

Organizational Effectiveness Vision Workplace Culture

Purpose Matters

From time to time, I have the opportunity to help a team, business or non-profit agency answer the question: Why do we exist? I’m always delighted to help, but the irony is that I never know the answer to the question. All I can do is poke, prod and ask a few questions along the way.

Organizational Effectiveness Today's Challenge Workplace Culture

Today's Challenge: People Don't Care

Each Friday, I respond to a question from a leader. Today’s question addresses a real challenge in today’s world – engagement, or lack thereof. Specifically, how do you create a workplace where people care deeply about their work?

Teams Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Building a High Performance Team

Over the last year, I’ve written more than two dozen posts on teams. As some of you know, I’ve also written a book entitled The Secret of Teams about the lessons we’ve learned over the last two decades here at Chick-fil-A on our team journey. Today, I want to summarize the best practices of building a high performance team, in a top 10 format.

Core Values Vision

3 Things Leaders Must Remember About Vision

Vision is perhaps the most misunderstood aspect of leadership. It is universally held as a critical element of successful leadership; yet as it is discussed, it is often shrouded in mystery and ambiguity. It doesn’t have to be this way. Vision rightly defined and understood is the cornerstone of great leadership and great accomplishment.