
Introducing: The Chess Not Checkers Field Guide

People often ask me why I write books. My answer has been simple and consistent – I write books to encourage and equip leaders. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. So, with that as my motivation, you can imagine my disappointment when someone told me one of my previous books was “useless.”

Character Leadership

FREE – The Heart of Leadership Field Guide

I’m excited to announce the release of The Heart of Leadership Field Guide! This guide has been created to help you become a leader people want to follow. It is a companion for my book The Heart of Leadership.

Teams Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Building a High Performance Team

Over the last year, I’ve written more than two dozen posts on teams. As some of you know, I’ve also written a book entitled The Secret of Teams about the lessons we’ve learned over the last two decades here at Chick-fil-A on our team journey. Today, I want to summarize the best practices of building a high performance team, in a top 10 format.