
Introducing: The Chess Not Checkers Field Guide

People often ask me why I write books. My answer has been simple and consistent – I write books to encourage and equip leaders. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. So, with that as my motivation, you can imagine my disappointment when someone told me one of my previous books was “useless.”

Organizational Effectiveness Other Thoughts

Thank You… Chess Not Checkers Launches!

This week, we launched my new book, Chess Not Checkers. If you have been on this site in the last few weeks, you may have seen some of the ideas from the book. Rather than recap or summarize any content in this post, I want to pause and say thank you to the men and women who have contributed directly to this project.

Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

Chess Not Checkers

Last week, I wrote about the untapped potential and competitive advantage resident in our people. Today, I am excited to introduce my new book, Chess Not Checkers. It is a blueprint for unleashing the talents, passion and creativity of your entire workforce. Although the book will not officially be launched until the first week in April, I couldn’t wait to begin sharing the content. So today will be the first of several posts in which I’ll write about key concepts and best practices for creating a high performance organization!