Teams Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Building a High Performance Team

Over the last year, I’ve written more than two dozen posts on teams. As some of you know, I’ve also written a book entitled The Secret of Teams about the lessons we’ve learned over the last two decades here at Chick-fil-A on our team journey. Today, I want to summarize the best practices of building a high performance team, in a top 10 format.


Great Teams Take a Leap of Faith

For those of you on the team journey, what I’m about to describe will probably resonate to your core. For teams not yet committed to the pursuit of high performance, it will sound strange.


Is This As Good As It Gets?

The team journey is not easy. There are many moments when emerging teams want to call it quits. However, if your team has been diligent, disciplined and patient, there will come a point when you realize it’s working – the team is actually accomplishing things together. What’s next?


Is Your Team Really a Team?

How’s the performance of your team? Are there days when you wonder if you’re accomplishing anything together? One of the problems some teams have is the assumption they are a team… when they aren’t. Although the determining factors of whether a team is really a team are many, one measure is the output of the team.


Today's Challenge: Team Structure

This is the next installment in a weekly series in which I answer a question from a leader somewhere in the world. If you’re new to this site, you may not know I wrote a book not long ago entitled The Secret of Teams. While I’ve been working to better understand and leverage the power of teams for decades, I’ve answered one question over and over again… Today’s Challenge: How should I structure my team for maximum performance?


FREE Web Event: The Secret

On Wednesday this week, I’ll have the opportunity to be the guest on Willow Creek Association’s monthly webcast. I’m excited for the opportunity! The program will be webcast live Wednesday October 17th, 11:30 – 12:30 central daylight time. Here’s the link. My topic this week will be: The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do.

Leadership Teams

The Critical Role of Team Leader

In my book, The Secret of Teams, I advocate for a higher form of team – a high performance team. In this approach to leading an organization, the role of the leader is transformed. She or he is still actively involved in the business but is engaged differently. What should a leader do in a high performance team environment? Here’s a look at some of the things you’ll want to consider.

Leadership Teams Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Assessing Team Health

Earlier this week, I had the privilege of meeting with a group of outstanding leaders. Many of them are attempting to build a high-performance team like the one I described in my book, The Secret of Teams. Specifically, this group was focused on building their leadership teams. One of the first questions I received was, “How can we assess our progress on the journey?”


Trying to Lead (and Write)

I recently attended the Berrett-Koehler 20th anniversary celebration. BK is a small San Francisco based publisher dedicated to creating a world that works for all.  I’m thankful to be one of their authors. At this year’s meeting, I was asked to be on a couple of different panels along with several other authors. During one of those interviews, all was going smoothly and quite predictably until one of the other authors looked at me and said, “Are you a servant leader?”

Development Engagement Uncategorized

Quit & Stay?

A couple of months ago, Ken Blanchard hosted a virtual conference. The topic was this: What do you do with people who quit but stay on your payroll? He asked me to create a short video to share my point-of-view on this topic.

Here’s what I had to say about people who quit and stay…