Change Management Communication Leadership Vision

Vision – A Lot More Than Words

One of the never-ending responsibilities of a leader is to remind people what we’re trying to accomplish and why it matters. This is the essence of vision casting. Unfortunately, most leaders under communicate their preferred picture of the future.

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Hard Leadership

Monday, I wrote about my recent trip to Africa. As I continue to reflect on that experience, I’m reminded of something I often forget. Some men and women have extremely hard leadership assignments. You may be one of those leaders.


Leadership Lessons from Kenya

I returned yesterday from eight days in Kenya. As I’ve written previously, my son, Justin, leads a non-profit organization there called CARE for AIDS. It had been three years since my last visit, and I’m glad I went to see first-hand the amazing work he and his team are doing in Africa.

Leadership Vision

What's Your Cause?

Last week, I attended the TED Conference. If you don’t know about TED, I’ve written several posts in the past (here’s the most recent). While making my way home, I reviewed my notes from over 100 speakers and was struck by the diversity of causes addressed over the course of the conference.

Organizational Effectiveness Today's Challenge Workplace Culture

Today's Challenge: Culture Change

I spent two days this week with leaders from around the country who specialize in helping organizations thrive. Although our time was focused on how to create high performance teams, we also talked about how to change the culture of an organization. Together, we compiled an impressive list of strategies and tactics.

Core Values Leadership

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – A Serving Leader

Today is a national holiday in America to honor the work, the impact and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was just a little kid when Dr. King was changing the face of our nation. I have vague memories of the conversations my parents and others were having during those tumultuous times in the south. Today, with decades to prove his lasting influence, the bright light of history has illuminated his many strengths – Dr. King was an amazing leader.


A Leader's Christmas List

What do you want for Christmas? When my oldest son, Justin was three he wanted socks and a globe. There was no hesitation. He was sure. I wonder sometimes if as leaders, we don’t get what we want, because we’re not sure what we really want. If there was a leadership Santa Claus who would climb down your chimney on Christmas eve, what would you ask for? (Assuming you’ve been nice this past year.)


A Stingy Servant Leader?

Maybe it’s because it’s Christmas – maybe it’s because I’ve been shopping – perhaps it’s because I’m painfully aware of all the people in the world in great need; regardless of the reason, I’ve been thinking about generosity more than usual during this holiday season. And, because I’m always thinking about leadership, my mind began to put the two concepts together.

Other Thoughts Today's Challenge Vision

Today's Challenge: Funding Your Vision

How do leaders fund their dreams? The truth is dollars are required to turn vision into reality. This is not just a question for leaders in the not-for-profit sector. Leaders in the marketplace need to raise financial support for the programs and initiative we wish to fund as well. Today’s Challenge: How do I raise money for my cause or project?

Organizational Effectiveness Strategic Planning Vision

A Leadership Lesson from 19,340 ft.

Several years ago, my oldest son and I had the idea we wanted to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa – 19,340 ft. That was our vision. However, the idea alone was not sufficient to get us to the top. If we’re not careful, as leaders, we can get so excited about the destination, we forget that vision alone won’t get us where we want to go.