Character Leadership

The Heart of Leadership: I Own This…

In my upcoming book, The Heart of Leadership, one of the big ideas is that lack of skills rarely derails a leader – skills are too easy to learn. Most often, the issues that create challenges for us are those of leadership character.

Leadership Today's Challenge Uncategorized

Today's Challenge: A "Strong" Dysfunctional Leader

Each week, I answer a question submitted by a leader. This week’s question is about a “strong leader” who’s created dysfunction within their team. The challenge appears even greater because the leader in question is serving as a volunteer. I do have a few thoughts – even though you may not like them…

Leadership Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Leading Older People

Each week I respond to a question submitted by a leader. Today’s question is one many leaders have had to answer at some point in their career: How does a young leader effectively lead people older than they are?


If You Want to Lead Well…

Everything rises and falls on leadership – EVERYTHING… schools, businesses, churches, hospitals, nations and homes. Leaders are the architects of the future. However, before we can create the future, there’s a significant hurdle all aspiring leaders must clear.


Servanthood as Identity or Strategy?

I heard a wonderful and thought-provoking presentation a few days ago from Crawford Loritts. He was talking about leadership, so, of course, I was interested. Once he began, I was even more interested because he was talking about servant leadership!

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Can You Hear Me Now?

Are you a good listener? My fear is that most leaders, including myself, think we are. However, the truth may be far different. I believe without constant effort a leader’s natural tendency is to not listen – or at least not listen well.


Today's Challenge: Why Read Blogs?

If you’re new to my site, you may not know each Friday I answer a question from a leader somewhere in the world. The series is called Today’s Challenge. Today… Why read blogs?

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Hard Leadership

Monday, I wrote about my recent trip to Africa. As I continue to reflect on that experience, I’m reminded of something I often forget. Some men and women have extremely hard leadership assignments. You may be one of those leaders.

Organizational Effectiveness Personal Effectiveness Teams Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Where Do I Begin?

One of the questions we all face when we want to make a change is, “Where do I begin?” That’s exactly the question I received last week when meeting with a group of our leaders. The topic that day was creating a high performance leadership team. However, I think the question has merit anytime we want to move in a new direction – personally or professionally.

Leadership Personal Effectiveness Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Hard People Decisions – Part 2

Last week, I began a post on Hard People Decisions. I wrote about specific things we can do to help someone who’s struggling to grow into the role. As I thought more about the issue, I realized the leader must confront these hard decisions with the right mindset. If we don’t, it’s unlikely we’ll ever muster the courage to do the right thing.