Core Values Leadership

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – A Serving Leader

Today is a national holiday in America to honor the work, the impact and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was just a little kid when Dr. King was changing the face of our nation. I have vague memories of the conversations my parents and others were having during those tumultuous times in the south. Today, with decades to prove his lasting influence, the bright light of history has illuminated his many strengths – Dr. King was an amazing leader.

Communication Development

Communication Matters!

One of the most powerful tools a leader has at his or her disposal is the ability to communicate well. How many times have you seen the battle speech in Braveheart? Or, Dr. King’s, I have a dream? Communication matters! I’m no William Wallace or Martin Luther King, but that doesn’t matter. Leaders must learn to communicate well.

Development Engagement Vision

What's Your Dream?

Friday, the entire Chick-fil-A corporate staff spent the day in downtown Atlanta. The day began and ended in the Martin Luther King National Historic District. I’m not really old enough to remember the injustice that Dr. King battled in the 60s, but I’m old enough now to understand the influence that he had on the Civil Rights Movement. What can today’s leaders learn from his example?