Organizational Effectiveness

High Performance Organizations Create Clarity

High Performance Organizations do things lesser performing organizations don’t – today’s post is a perfect example. HPOs create clarity on what’s important throughout the enterprise. The fact that clarity is so illusive in many organizations is a mystery unto itself. Organizations lack clarity not for it’s inherent difficulty, rather for the diligence required from leadership. A lack in clarity is a lack of leadership.

Core Values Vision

3 Things Leaders Must Remember About Vision

Vision is perhaps the most misunderstood aspect of leadership. It is universally held as a critical element of successful leadership; yet as it is discussed, it is often shrouded in mystery and ambiguity. It doesn’t have to be this way. Vision rightly defined and understood is the cornerstone of great leadership and great accomplishment.


Why Did People Follow Martin Luther King?

Why was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr able to stir the moral conscience of our nation? Why was he able to initiate social changes that were a century overdue? Why was he able to draw hundreds of thousands to the mall in Washington to hear those now famous words, “I have a dream?”