Personal Effectiveness Today's Challenge Vision

Today's Challenge: Quicksand

Have you ever felt like you were in quicksand as a leader? I’ve never been in real quicksand, but I’ve seen it on TV and in the movies. It looks awful! As I understand the way it works, when you’re in it, your attempts to free yourself plunge you deeper into its grip… and ultimately you die.

Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

How Do You Build a High Performance Organization?

I was in a planning meeting; we were thinking about the upcoming decade. The question we were wrestling with was this: “What do we want to be true in our organization ten years from now that is not true today?” It was the perfect question to force us to take a hard look at our current reality and stretch us at the same time.

Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Passion

During 2013, I had the privilege of speaking to a lot of groups in a live setting. My favorite part of those sessions was always the question and answer segment. Today, I’ll address a question that surfaced at more than one event: Can you instill passion in an employee?

Leadership Vision

One Word… Vision (Part 2)

Last week, I began a post on Vision. I shared my working definition and my case for why it matters. Realizing you probably already know it matters, I wanted to follow up with a few ideas on how to create one.

Leadership Teams

What Can Leaders Learn from Tim Tebow?

Some of you are Tim Tebow fans and some of you are not – got it. Regardless of your feelings, let’s not miss the chance to learn something here about leadership. Here are a few things I’ve observed watching Tebow this season that have been great reminders for me.


Why Did People Follow Martin Luther King?

Why was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr able to stir the moral conscience of our nation? Why was he able to initiate social changes that were a century overdue? Why was he able to draw hundreds of thousands to the mall in Washington to hear those now famous words, “I have a dream?”