
One Word: Inspire

Over the last twelve months, I have written several posts in the One Word series. These are words leaders think about often. Some of the featured words have included Momentum, Team, Hope, Vision and Diversity. Today, the next installment… one thing every leader must ultimately learn to do, or give the baton to someone else to do – INSPIRE others to action.


Why Story Matters

Yesterday, I completed Robert McKee’s Story Seminar. It’s a story boot camp of sorts – 32 hours of teaching in four days… including a 6 hour, scene by scene screening of Casablanca! The audience consisted of about 200 writers for screen, stage and page, along with several film and TV producers.

Leadership Vision

One Word… Vision (Part 2)

Last week, I began a post on Vision. I shared my working definition and my case for why it matters. Realizing you probably already know it matters, I wanted to follow up with a few ideas on how to create one.