Uncategorized Workplace Culture

Growing a "Small" Company

Have you ever noticed how often the counter-intuitive strategy, or the contrarian view yields the best return? If you’ve not thought about this, maybe today’s post will help. One example is our attempt to grow a small company. Clearly, most leaders are trying to grow a large company – the bigger the better. But what would happen if you could grow a small one?

Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Should I Take the Job?

I do a lot of career counseling. I’ve never really understood why – working with one company for more than 35 years severely limits my real world experience. Often, the questions I receive revolve around finding a job. That’s not the question I’ll address today. Today’s Challenge: Should I take the job?

Leadership Other Thoughts

The Ultimate Product Demonstration

My family just returned from a trekking adventure in Peru. The scenery was great, and the time together was amazing. One of the more memorable moments was our time with a lady named Santusa. She created a remarkable experience for all of us.

Engagement Organizational Effectiveness Teams

Standards vs. Rules

This year at the Chick-fil-A LeaderCast, Coach Krzyzewski from Duke University made a presentation about his approach to leading some of the world’s best athletes – the US Olympic Team. If you don’t know about Coach “K,” he has more wins than any coach in Division 1 college basketball history.

Change Management Organizational Effectiveness

The Value of Fresh Eyes

If you gave a man who had lived in a Chinese village his entire life a million dollars to design and build a house, what are the chances the new house would be French Colonial? Zero. We create from what we know.


Leadership Made Simple

Friday, I attended the Chick-fil-A Leadercast. It was a great event! Although we’re the corporate sponsors, we don’t actually create the event. So, unlike other meetings we produce ourselves, I got to experience this one just as the other attendees – as a leader trying to learn. This year’s event didn’t disappoint.

Development Leadership

Chick-fil-A Leadercast Partnership Opportunities

One of the cool things Chick-fil-A has done in recent years is sponsor the Chick-fil-A Leadercast. It’s really an attempt for us to add value to people’s lives beyond the transactions in our restaurants. We found a great partner in Giant Impact to work with us, and they’ve created a very powerful event. We believe investing in the leaders of the world will pay huge dividends because everything rises and falls on leadership.

Other Thoughts

34 Years of Chicken

Last week I celebrated 34 years on the corporate staff at Chick-fil-A. It has been an amazing journey. Any attempt to articulate the impact of this organization on my life would be totally inadequate. However, I thought I’d share a few things I love about working at the chicken – 34 to be exact…

Leadership Other Thoughts

Leaders Have A Lot To Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving is a fabulous holiday for many people. I believe those with thankful hearts enjoy it most. One way to cultivate a thankful heart is to recount all the things you have to be thankful for. Today, I’ll share some things I’m thankful for this season…


All Leadership is Personal

What shaped you as a leader? Regardless of the natural talents, gifts and abilities you were born with, people, events and circumstances were involved in a silent conspiracy, all contributing to the leader you are today.