
Why Not Your Best?

The world lost a beloved leader today… Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A, died at the age of 93. His legacy is far-reaching – including a testimony to the power of servant leadership in our world. For all of us who were fortunate to work with him, Truett modeled both integrity of heart and skillful hands. He was the quintessential servant leader.

Uncategorized Workplace Culture

Growing a "Small" Company

Have you ever noticed how often the counter-intuitive strategy, or the contrarian view yields the best return? If you’ve not thought about this, maybe today’s post will help. One example is our attempt to grow a small company. Clearly, most leaders are trying to grow a large company – the bigger the better. But what would happen if you could grow a small one?


Who Helped You Grow as a Leader?

As I think about the topic of personal growth, my mind easily races to the men and women who invested in my development over the years. No one person could be singled out.  There have been leaders who helped form my character and others that sharpened my skills.