Organizational Effectiveness Uncategorized

How Do You Increase a Person's "Want To?"

What makes some people care more about their work than others? This is a question leaders have probably been asking since the beginning of time. I believe the answer is multi-faceted – some factors may even be unknowable. However, one element guaranteed to increase a person’s “want to” is ownership. And, the more people have a sense of shared ownership, the more remarkable the results.


Why Not Your Best?

The world lost a beloved leader today… Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A, died at the age of 93. His legacy is far-reaching – including a testimony to the power of servant leadership in our world. For all of us who were fortunate to work with him, Truett modeled both integrity of heart and skillful hands. He was the quintessential servant leader.