
Four Ways to Stimulate Growth in Others

Engaging and developing others is one of our primary roles as a leader. For some of  us this comes very naturally and for others it is a discipline that must be cultivated. Regardless of the ease or rigor required, the leaders we admire the most figure this out.

Change Management Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

The Future of Work – Part 2

As I reported a few weeks ago, I have begun a personal experiment with a work style that may someday be the global norm. My Free Address approach is not particularly radical compared to the changing standards of the world at large, but for a chicken guy, this is out there.

Organizational Effectiveness Uncategorized

How Do You Increase a Person's "Want To?"

What makes some people care more about their work than others? This is a question leaders have probably been asking since the beginning of time. I believe the answer is multi-faceted – some factors may even be unknowable. However, one element guaranteed to increase a person’s “want to” is ownership. And, the more people have a sense of shared ownership, the more remarkable the results.

Communication Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Daily Dose of Vision

Vision leaks. This is one of many leadership lessons Bill Hybels has taught me over the years. Tragically, many leaders miss this elemental truth. I guess the mistake is explainable, but not excusable. The logic goes something like this: Since the vision is still burning white hot in our spirit, we make the fatal assumption it is still vibrant in the hearts and minds of those we are attempting to lead. Wrong!