Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Are You Paying Attention?

I was in a meeting this week when my leader challenged all of us to pay attention. He reminded us of the importance of what he called “Situational Awareness.” Have you heard that term before? Before we dig in to explore this critical leadership issue, let’s think about what it actually means.

Workplace Culture

How To Revive A Culture

Every year, I attend the Global Leadership Summit. Over the last two decades, it has been a constant source of challenge, inspiration and encouragement. This year was no different. In the opening session, Bill Hybels shared some of his Hard Fought Leadership Lessons. Today, I want to recap one of those: How do you turnaround a culture?

Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: You Can't Lead!

Each Friday, I respond to a question submitted by a leader. The series is called Today’s Challenge. This week’s question comes from a recent event in Birmingham: How do you tell someone they are not a leader – without crushing them?

Engagement Organizational Effectiveness Teams

Standards vs. Rules

This year at the Chick-fil-A LeaderCast, Coach Krzyzewski from Duke University made a presentation about his approach to leading some of the world’s best athletes – the US Olympic Team. If you don’t know about Coach “K,” he has more wins than any coach in Division 1 college basketball history.