Workplace Culture

How To Revive A Culture

Every year, I attend the Global Leadership Summit. Over the last two decades, it has been a constant source of challenge, inspiration and encouragement. This year was no different. In the opening session, Bill Hybels shared some of his Hard Fought Leadership Lessons. Today, I want to recap one of those: How do you turnaround a culture?

Character Leadership

A New Heart

For the last few years, I’ve been thinking a lot about the heart. My most recent book, The Heart of Leadership, is focused on addressing the issues of the heart that impede our leadership. In the last week, my mind has once again returned to the importance of the heart as I’ve waited with my dad for his heart surgery.

Development Leadership Teams

Super Bowl XLVIII – Leadership Lessons from a Blowout

Although Super Bowl XLVIII wasn’t much of a game, Seattle’s big win over the Broncos provided enough leadership lessons to give you an MBA. Following are my top five observations from the game and a few questions to stimulate your thinking about personal application…