Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Are You Paying Attention?

I was in a meeting this week when my leader challenged all of us to pay attention. He reminded us of the importance of what he called “Situational Awareness.” Have you heard that term before? Before we dig in to explore this critical leadership issue, let’s think about what it actually means.

Today's Challenge Workplace Culture

Today's Challenge: Success

Success is a lousy teacher. The best leaders know this and are always on guard against complacency. This week’s question comes from a leader who has just completed a season of success. She is concerned her team won’t stay motivated. Today’s Challenge: How do you keep your team fully engaged in the wake of success?

Change Management Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

Must Wins

Have you started working on your 2015 plans for your organization? If not, it’s probably time. Where should you begin? One approach is to determine what’s most critical for your organization to accomplish in the coming years.

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Don't Fall Behind

Last week, I was part of a team that traveled to another city to visit some of our competitors. Although we’ve done this several times before, I always find it valuable. I was reminded again how easy it is to fall behind – as brands, as organizations and as individual leaders.