Change Management Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

Culture: Light or Lightning?

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” That’s how Peter Drucker described the power of culture. Arguably, culture is stronger than vision, strategy, tenure, or even in some cases, it can be stronger than leadership.

Organizational Effectiveness Personal Effectiveness

What Habits Will Make You More Successful in 2015?

In his best-selling book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg coined the term, “keystone habits.” These are habits, once formed, which have a positive ripple effect in our lives and in our organizations. It is an intriguing idea, to say the least. What habits, or routines would increase your chances of a fantastic 2015?

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Don't Fall Behind

Last week, I was part of a team that traveled to another city to visit some of our competitors. Although we’ve done this several times before, I always find it valuable. I was reminded again how easy it is to fall behind – as brands, as organizations and as individual leaders.