Personal Effectiveness

4 Ways To Take Back Your Life

I seem to be busier than ever before – how about you? Being busy can be a great thing: higher productivity can lead to greater job satisfaction and higher feelings of self worth. But stop and think for a moment. Are you busy or in a hurry? Busy, hurry, what’s the difference? To put it simply, busy is about your calendar, hurry is about your heart.

Personal Effectiveness

2015 – A Fresh Start or More of the Same?

I was staring at a blank laptop screen thinking about the future. I was considering a simple question; one I’ve answered every year for decades: what do I want to be true in my life in a year that is not true today?

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Three Things Every Leader Should Do

I’ve been trying to learn to lead for decades (I still am) – and I’ve been trying to help other leaders grow for almost as long. One of my mistakes early in my career was a myopic focus on the skills of leadership to the exclusion of my character as a leader. Today, I understand the importance of both.

Change Management Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

Must Wins

Have you started working on your 2015 plans for your organization? If not, it’s probably time. Where should you begin? One approach is to determine what’s most critical for your organization to accomplish in the coming years.