Communication Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Clarity

Have you ever had the feeling that something in your head or heart was so clear you were convinced it must be clear to others? Only to realize you had deceived yourself, what was crystal clear to you was NOT clear to others. That is the context for today’s question: How do you achieve clarity with your team regarding what’s most important?

Personal Effectiveness

2015 – A Fresh Start or More of the Same?

I was staring at a blank laptop screen thinking about the future. I was considering a simple question; one I’ve answered every year for decades: what do I want to be true in my life in a year that is not true today?

Change Management Communication Leadership Personal Effectiveness

3 Reasons to Have a Personal Theme for the Year

The New Year is here. Although the amount of emails may have subsided over the last 2 weeks, the workload is not diminished. We’re back in the trenches. So how do you keep your head up as a leader? How do you maintain your focus and keep the main thing the main thing? One tactic to consider is to have a personal theme for the year.