Personal Effectiveness

Today's Challenge: Finish the Drill

Finish the drill” is a phrase many athletic coaches have adopted to remind their team: victory lies at the end of the activity. This mantra not only helps sports teams, it can help me and you have a more fulfilling and productive life. Today’s Challenge question comes from a leader who asks: How do I follow-through (finish) on my goals?

Organizational Effectiveness Strategic Planning

How Important is Planning… Really?

At this stage in the growth of our organization, it feels like we are in perpetual planning mode. We literally have planning meetings at least 9 months out of every year! Not only have we been working on our 2014 plans, we’ve continued to work on our 2020 plans, which we started formulating about 2 years ago.

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

What's on Your Personal Scorecard?

I wrote a post in August, 2012 about how you might determine what key metrics should be included on your team scorecard. Today, I want to address a much more personal question. What’s on your personal scorecard?

Change Management Communication Leadership Personal Effectiveness

3 Reasons to Have a Personal Theme for the Year

The New Year is here. Although the amount of emails may have subsided over the last 2 weeks, the workload is not diminished. We’re back in the trenches. So how do you keep your head up as a leader? How do you maintain your focus and keep the main thing the main thing? One tactic to consider is to have a personal theme for the year.

Development Personal Effectiveness

Start With The End In Mind

Steven Covey was the first person I remember hearing say, “Start with the end in mind.” I do this instinctively in my work, but until a few years ago, I had never applied this principle to my life.

Organizational Effectiveness Strategic Planning

Creating An Operating Plan

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post entitled, How to Create a Strategic Plan – it was actually two posts. One of the comments I received was, “That’s great – how do you create an Operating Plan?” If that’s your question, here are a few thoughts for you to consider…

Organizational Effectiveness Strategic Planning

How to Create a Strategic Plan (Part 2)

In my last post, I outlined three critical ingredients for a great Strategic Plan. Assuming you have the right people and you allocate adequate time, the final element is a proven process to guide your journey.

Organizational Effectiveness Strategic Planning

Your Success Journey Begins Here

What’s the difference in a Strategic Plan and an Operating Plan? Do you need both? Many organizations seem to be unclear as to the difference between these two very different types of plans. I believe both are essential if we’re going to maximize the success of our organizations.

Leadership Results

8 Reasons to Set Goals

I enjoyed meeting with my new team for two days this week. It’s an exciting time – lots of opportunity, lots of unanswered questions. One of our conversations was about our goals. As we talked, I was reminded why I love setting goals.

Communication Organizational Effectiveness Teams

Skill Players Needed

In some sports, the term “skill player” is used to identify players who have more complex roles… and earn more money. On my team at Chick-fil-A, I need every member to be a skill player. There are two types of skills I’m interested in. Let me explain.