Teams Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Meetings… Does One Size Fit All? (Part 1)

Teams outperform individuals in virtually any setting. This phenomena is driven by the fact we are certainly smarter together than we are independently. I’m sure these statements don’t surprise you if you have ever been part of a high performance team. What may surprise you is this: I’ve never seen a high performance team who did not have great meetings. Today’s Challenge: Should all our team meetings follow the same structure?

Leadership Organizational Effectiveness Strategic Planning

Big Questions Leaders Ask (Part 3)

This is the final installment in this short series on big questions leaders ask. The truth is I could write a hundred posts on questions leaders ask. But, rather than write about the many, I’ve chosen to focus on the big three – Where are we going? Where are we today? And, today’s question: How will we get there?

Organizational Effectiveness Strategic Planning

Creating An Operating Plan

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post entitled, How to Create a Strategic Plan – it was actually two posts. One of the comments I received was, “That’s great – how do you create an Operating Plan?” If that’s your question, here are a few thoughts for you to consider…