
Can You Lead?

Every follower deserves a leader who can actually lead. As important as it is to Start with the Heart, leadership character alone is insufficient. Last week I began to unpack the four critical domains of leadership beginning with our ability to Lead Self. Today, we’ll focus on the one which gets the most attention – the skills needed to lead well. 

Character Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: A Heart Transplant

I open some of my talks by telling the audience the presentation they are about to hear is not for them. After I let that sink in, I ask them to think of a leader they know who has failed to live up to their potential or perhaps the person who comes to mind is stuck in their career. I then tell them, “This talk is about how you may be able to help your friend.”

Organizational Effectiveness

Set Your Organization Apart

This past weekend I spoke to a group of leaders about how to strengthen the teams in their organization. I chose today’s topic: Community. Although the concept of community is at the core of what creates  a High Performance Team, it is also one of the twelve best practices to unlock organizational performance.

Organizational Effectiveness

High Performance Organizations Build the Bench

The Chess Not Checkers project set out to discover the “secrets” of High Performance Organizations (HPO). Our team spent years to determine what separates the best from all the rest. In the end, we identified four primary “moves” all HPOs make… They Bet on Leadership, Act as One, Win the Heart and Excel at Execution. But, this was not enough; we wanted to know HOW they do these things so well. The answers lie in their “Best Practices.” Today we explore one of those practices – HPOs Build the Bench!

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Three Things Every Leader Should Do

I’ve been trying to learn to lead for decades (I still am) – and I’ve been trying to help other leaders grow for almost as long. One of my mistakes early in my career was a myopic focus on the skills of leadership to the exclusion of my character as a leader. Today, I understand the importance of both.

Character Leadership

Don't Just Survive… Thrive!

Do you know a leader whose career is stalled? Maybe you know someone who seems to have tremendous untapped potential, but he or she is having trouble realizing this potential. Have you ever met a leader who struggles to get traction? Perhaps one of these descriptions fits you.

Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: The Last Ten Years

In Today’s Challenge, I usually respond to a question from a leader regarding a problem or issue he or she is facing. Today, since we’re celebrating the 10th Anniversary of The Secret, I’ve been asked to share some of the leadership lessons I’ve learned since it was published. Here goes…

Development Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Training vs Trying

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been reminded again about the value of training. My family and I just returned from trekking in Peru. For several reasons, I was unable to train like I have for previous trips. As the trip approached, I made a classic error that transcends the outdoor adventure world: In the absence of training, I assumed I would just try harder.

Personal Effectiveness Teams Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Skill Gaps

Each week, I attempt to answer a question from a leader somewhere in the world. Today, I’ll speak to a question that great leaders ask a lot. Unfortunately, many leaders don’t ask it often enough: How do I identify and close skill gaps?

Leadership Teams

Is Your Team in the Dungeon?

I usually think about, talk about, study and write about teams that excel. My book, The Secret of Teams, is about creating High Performance Teams. However, I’ve been looking at this topic long enough to know – some teams stink.