Organizational Effectiveness Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Investing in Leadership

You can determine a person’s priorities by looking at their calendar and checkbook – the same can be said for organizations. As many of you are finalizing your 2016 plans and budgets, you will be confronted with seemingly countless options for the new year – investing in leadership development will be one of them. Today’s Challenge: Why don’t organizations invest more on leadership development?

Organizational Effectiveness

Wake or Wedding?

In a recent meeting, we were discussing an upcoming event, and I was struck by the difference of opinions being shared. I love debate; I love contrarian views; I love outside the box ideas; but this felt different. Were we even talking about the same event? It seemed like some were planning a wake and others a wedding.

Development Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Training vs Trying

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been reminded again about the value of training. My family and I just returned from trekking in Peru. For several reasons, I was unable to train like I have for previous trips. As the trip approached, I made a classic error that transcends the outdoor adventure world: In the absence of training, I assumed I would just try harder.

Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

Training Still Matters

I feel extremely fortunate to work for Chick-fil-A; it’s been an amazing ride for over 30 years. One of the things that is the most rewarding are the responses I get when people find out I work for the chicken. Often, their first question is, “Which one?” (That’s a great reminder that our business is in the restaurants – not at the home office.) When I tell them I work at the headquarters, you can often see a moment of disappointment in their eyes, but they quickly move to share a recent experience from a visit to one of our restaurants. Thankfully, it’s almost always a positive story!

Engagement Organizational Effectiveness

5 Ideas to Help You Find Great People

I had lunch with a good friend and great businessman last week. We talked about his family, his faith and his growing, successful business. Eventually the conversation turned to an issue that I believe is ever present for leaders: How do you find GREAT people?