Organizational Effectiveness Teams

Today's Challenge: Catalytic Meetings

Most meetings are useless. I’m guessing the more meetings you attend the more you’ll agree with that statement. Think about the REAL value of the last five meetings you attended. How much action was initiated or change realized as a result? That’s the topic of Today’s Challenge: How can we generate more action as a result of our meetings?

Organizational Effectiveness

Wake or Wedding?

In a recent meeting, we were discussing an upcoming event, and I was struck by the difference of opinions being shared. I love debate; I love contrarian views; I love outside the box ideas; but this felt different. Were we even talking about the same event? It seemed like some were planning a wake and others a wedding.

Change Management Organizational Effectiveness

Why Leaders Love Catalytic Events

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year in our business. We’re hosting our annual meeting. Yes, the hours are grueling, stress levels do rise, and there is considerable expense – but it’s worth it. Catalytic events can be the spark an organization needs to go to the next level.