Organizational Effectiveness Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Investing in Leadership

You can determine a person’s priorities by looking at their calendar and checkbook – the same can be said for organizations. As many of you are finalizing your 2016 plans and budgets, you will be confronted with seemingly countless options for the new year – investing in leadership development will be one of them. Today’s Challenge: Why don’t organizations invest more on leadership development?


Got Leaders?

What do you talk about at work? Recently, I’ve come to appreciate how many conversations I have every week about leadership issues… dozens, scores – probably thousands of these discussions over the past decade. This week, I’ve been in four conversations about the value and imperative of a leadership pipeline – and it is only Tuesday!


Today's Challenge: Making Mentoring Work

Virtually every week, I respond to a question submitted by a reader. I call the series, Today’s Challenge. If you’re interested in past questions, and my responses, I’ve created a category on the sidebar to help you. Today’s question is: How do you make mentoring work?

Development Personal Effectiveness Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Finding a Mentor

This is the next installment in a weekly series in which I attempt to answer a question submitted by a leader somewhere in the world. Today, I’ll address a question I’ve actually answered many times over the years. Today’s Challenge: How do I find a mentor?


Leadership Lessons from India

I was excited to hear recently that my new book, Great Leaders GROW is doing extremely well in India. I’ve had the opportunity to travel and speak in India on two occasions. As with virtually all of my international speaking engagements, I learn much more than I’m able to share during these trips.

Development Personal Effectiveness

Reverse Mentoring

I recently had my first session with my new IT mentor. Do you have one yet? If you’re over 30 years old, you may need one.