Personal Effectiveness

Today's Challenge: Finish the Drill

Finish the drill” is a phrase many athletic coaches have adopted to remind their team: victory lies at the end of the activity. This mantra not only helps sports teams, it can help me and you have a more fulfilling and productive life. Today’s Challenge question comes from a leader who asks: How do I follow-through (finish) on my goals?


Today's Challenge: Mentoring That Works

Virtually every week, I respond to a question submitted by a reader. I call the series Today’s Challenge. If you’re interested in past questions, and my responses, I’ve created a category on the sidebar to help you find these posts. Today’s question is: How do you make mentoring work?


Today's Challenge: Making Mentoring Work

Virtually every week, I respond to a question submitted by a reader. I call the series, Today’s Challenge. If you’re interested in past questions, and my responses, I’ve created a category on the sidebar to help you. Today’s question is: How do you make mentoring work?