Personal Effectiveness Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Am I Coachable?

I’ve recently written two posts on the question: Should I Hire a Coach? and What Do I Look for in a Coach? After the first of these posts, I received a comment regarding something I had missed. It’s an important question for every leader, whether you’re looking for a coach or not. Today’s Challenge: Am I Coachable?

Development Uncategorized

7 Ways to Turbo Charge Your Growth & Your Leadership

In Great Leaders GROW, Ken Blanchard and I outlined four strategies for leadership growth. I’ve always believed that each of the strategies adds huge value and recommend a healthy diet of all four. However, for me, Open Your World is the most fun – to stay with the diet metaphor – it represents the dessert.


Leadership Lessons from India

I was excited to hear recently that my new book, Great Leaders GROW is doing extremely well in India. I’ve had the opportunity to travel and speak in India on two occasions. As with virtually all of my international speaking engagements, I learn much more than I’m able to share during these trips.

Development Leadership

4 Ways to Get More Value from Events

What do you do after you attend a great event, lecture or conference? My challenge, and yours, is to be sure the events we attend are not just cotton candy – tastes great – but no long-term nutritional value.

Development Grow

3 Reasons Leaders Fail to Grow

Growth for a leader is like oxygen for a deep-sea diver. Without it – you die. Ken Blanchard and I have been working on a book on this topic entitled, Great Leaders GROW. To most of you reading this, the idea of growth for a leader makes perfect sense. However, many leaders still see personal growth as extracurricular at best; it is something to do if you find extra time, energy and resources.

Communication Development Grow

A Powerful Path to Leadership Growth

The second strategy for becoming a leader for life from Great Leaders GROW is Reach Out to Others. On the surface this may seem counter intuitive. However, we believe one of the best ways to stimulate personal growth is to share what you’re learning with others. This does a few things for you and me as leaders…

Development Grow

4 Things You Should Learn More About…

The first of the four strategies that Ken Blanchard and I talk about in Great Leaders GROW is Gain Knowledge. This may seem like the most obvious thing you’ve heard recently – if you want to grow as a leader, you’ve got to gain knowledge – duh?
Well, hold on… it is obvious, but that doesn’t make it automatic or easy. We decided that it might be helpful for some leaders if we put handles on the idea – break it down, make it more specific.

Development Grow

4 Ways to Grow as a Leader

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I’m excited about the new book that Ken Blanchard and I have just released, Great Leaders GROW. This post is a quick summary of the four growth strategies leaders can employ to become a leader for life. I’ll go deeper on each one in the days ahead.


Great Leaders GROW

I’m excited about a new book Ken Blanchard and I have written entitled, Great Leaders GROW.  Here’s a quick promo video (1:42) we produced for Amazon…