Personal Effectiveness

4 Ways To Take Back Your Life

I seem to be busier than ever before – how about you? Being busy can be a great thing: higher productivity can lead to greater job satisfaction and higher feelings of self worth. But stop and think for a moment. Are you busy or in a hurry? Busy, hurry, what’s the difference? To put it simply, busy is about your calendar, hurry is about your heart.

Personal Effectiveness

384 Dog Years and Counting!

Do you know how long have you been alive? Today is my 20,000th day! Or if you prefer, you can think of it as… 479,997 hours, or 2,857 weeks, or 1,428 fortnights, or 735 lunar months. But my favorite is 384 dog years – that’s a lot of years. Maybe that helps explain why I’ve been so tired recently.

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

The Right Questions Can Change Your Life

Last week, I had the opportunity to be with John Maxwell at an event to raise money to train leaders around the world. It was an outstanding experience. One of the highlights was a session John led about questions that changed his life.