Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

The Dark Side of Continuous Improvement

Leaders love progress. Progress is always preceded by change. So you might assume continuous improvement would be a good thing… not always. Many leaders and organizations get lulled into mediocrity by a continuous improvement mindset.

Organizational Effectiveness

High Performance Organizations Create Clarity

High Performance Organizations do things lesser performing organizations don’t – today’s post is a perfect example. HPOs create clarity on what’s important throughout the enterprise. The fact that clarity is so illusive in many organizations is a mystery unto itself. Organizations lack clarity not for it’s inherent difficulty, rather for the diligence required from leadership. A lack in clarity is a lack of leadership.

Leadership Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

Starving While Sitting on a Sandwich

What differentiates you from your competitors? What will separate you in a crowded marketplace? What is your organization’s competitive advantage? I hope these are the type questions you and your leaders are asking. The battle for competitive advantage is never ending… and worth the fight!