Organizational Effectiveness Results

How to Create a Game Changing Scorecard

Every leader and team should have a scorecard… I tried to convince you of this in my previous post. Today is part one of a post on how you can create a scorecard capable of driving real performance improvement. The following are some concrete ways to add impact to your scorecard.

Leadership Organizational Effectiveness Today's Challenge Workplace Culture

Today's Challenge: Measuring Leadership

For almost a year, I’ve been devoting one post a week to answer a question from a reader. Today, the question is about a challenge virtually every organization faces – How do you measure leadership development?

Strategic Planning Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Define Reality

This is the first in a series of posts to address the issues that you’ve asked me to address. The issues I write about may not be your current challenges; but if you lead long enough, I’m guessing you’ll bump in to most of them. Today, I want to respond to the challenge of defining reality.