All Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

Leaders Made Here

Yesterday, I mentioned the launch of our new book, UNSTUCK which comes out on Monday. Today I want to tell you about another book that launched this week. The title is Leader’s Made Here, and it was written by Mark Miller. The book is the #1 New Release on Amazon for business & organizational learning. When it comes to leadership, Mark is my hero. He and I have co-authored on a couple of projects and I have had the opportunity to view up close his work with Chick-fil-A. Leaders Made Here is about building a leadership culture. Below is a post from Mark on this concept. I hope you will read it and then pick up a copy of the book. A leader is the architect of the culture. Whether you lead an organization, team, department, or family, Leaders Made Here is a great resource to help you in your efforts.
Building A Leadership Culture
Almost 10 years ago, I had the privilege to co-author The Secret with Ken Blanchard, a book about Chick-fil-A’s point of view on leadership. It was a lot of fun doing the book with Ken and even more fun talking to groups all over the world about leadership. What I didn’t expect was the question that I received over and over again… “We’ve read The Secret, what’s next?”
In the beginning, I wasn’t really sure what people wanted to know. Were they asking about my next book? Did they want to know my career plans or what time my flight was going to leave? Most often, it was none of the above. Leaders around the world appreciated the lessons we tried to convey in the book, but they had an intuitive sense, informed by their experience, that the book was not the end of the conversation. They were right.
What organizations desperately need is not just a point-of-view on leadership, they need a leadership culture. I define a leadership culture as a place in which leaders are routinely and systematically produced. In a leadership culture, it is not unusual when there is a surplus of qualified leadership candidates for an open position.
Here are five keys to creating a leadership culture.
Define it – Does your organization have an agreed upon definition of leadership? If not, that’s the starting point.
Train it – Having a definition is critical but insufficient alone. Can your leaders deliver on your definition? Some can, I’m sure, but training is probably required – at least for emerging leaders. Leadership skills are not innate.
Practice it – Do you give emerging leaders the opportunity to lead? Most of what leaders learn about leadership they learn from leading. Give them the chance to practice by actually letting them lead.
Measure it – This can take many forms – Performance reviews; 360 feedback; “Readiness for Next Opportunity.” Then there’s always the “9 Box” popularized by G.E. which evaluates leaders on two dimensions – performance and alignment with organizational values. You can even measure participation in leadership training.
Model it – If your existing leaders are not showing people what great leadership looks like in your organization; if they aren’t working diligently to demonstrate the attributes outlined in your definition of leadership, none of the previous ideas will have much impact.
How deep is your leadership bench?
Mark Miller is the best-selling author of 6 books, an in-demand speaker and an executive at Chick-fil-A. His latest book, Leaders Made Here, describes how to nurture leaders throughout the organization, from the front lines to the executive ranks and outlines a clear and replicable approach to creating the leadership bench every organization needs.
Buy a copy of Leaders Made Here and use the following link for a free copy to give someone else.
[Tweet “”Nothing improves without measurement. Leadership is no exception.” #LeadersMadeHere “]
[Tweet “”Leaders must model the attitude, commitment, and leadership behaviors they are advocating for others.” –@LeadersServe #LeadersMadeHere”]


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Leadership Organizational Effectiveness

Creating a Leadership Culture

Almost 10 years ago, I had the privilege to co-author The Secret with Ken Blanchard, a book about Chick-fil-A’s point of view on leadership. It was a lot of fun doing the book with Ken and even more fun talking to groups all over the world about leadership. What I didn’t expect was the question that I received over and over again… “We’ve read The Secret, what’s next?”