Communication Development Grow

A Powerful Path to Leadership Growth

The second strategy for becoming a leader for life from Great Leaders GROW is Reach Out to Others. On the surface this may seem counter intuitive. However, we believe one of the best ways to stimulate personal growth is to share what you’re learning with others. This does a few things for you and me as leaders…

Communication Leadership

My Favorite Leadership Question

For most of my career, I’ve been fascinated by the power of questions. So much so that I’ve spent decades trying to cultivate the skill of asking the right question at the right time.

Communication Organizational Effectiveness Teams

10 Tips for Great Meetings (Part 2)

In my last post, I outlined five tips to improve your meetings.  Here’s the balance of my Top 10.

Communication Organizational Effectiveness Teams

10 Tips for Great Meetings (Part 1)

One of the Team Skills I mentioned in my last post was Effective Meetings. Does the idea of a great meeting sound like an oxymoron to you? Let’s face it; most of the meetings we attend are not the model for productivity and efficiency. However, if done well, meetings multiply our time, increase our productivity, tap into the collective wisdom and creativity of the group, yield better decisions and better results. Done poorly, they are a colossal waste of time. So what can a leader do?

Communication Organizational Effectiveness Teams

Skill Players Needed

In some sports, the term “skill player” is used to identify players who have more complex roles… and earn more money. On my team at Chick-fil-A, I need every member to be a skill player. There are two types of skills I’m interested in. Let me explain.

Communication Teams

5 Must-Haves for Team Members

One of the most important decisions you and I make as leaders is, “Who’s on our team?” The results you’ll pursue will change over time, skills can be developed and community can be strengthened. However, if you have the wrong people around the table, your ultimate success will always be in jeopardy.