
My First Periscope Experience

Periscope provides the platform for instant access to a global audience. How will this latest new technology impact your leadership? If you haven’t thought about it seriously, today is a great day to start.
It was a fairly routine opportunity to speak to a local non-profit; I had been invited to address about 120 people and talk about creating High Performance Teams. I would speak for about 35 minutes and allow an additional ten minutes for questions. The audience was attentive and there were a few questions.
When I finished, my host stood, thanked me, and the 1000 people watching via Periscope. He commented that these “attendees” were from countries around the world. He also thanked them for sending in their questions. I had no idea.
Now, I’ve been part of simulcasts, webinars, streaming events and even Tweet Chats before, but this felt different. Rather than being a traditional broadcast event, with lights and cameras. This was a global event shot with a phone by a member of the audience and no one mentioned it before we began – welcome to 2015!
Let me be clear – I am not suggesting any of this is bad. What I am suggesting is leaders need a keen awareness of changing technology and the implications for us. Here are a few of them…
[tweet_box design=”default”]Every room you enter as a leader and a communicator is a potential doorway to the planet.[/tweet_box]
No Small Audiences – Every room you enter as a leader and a communicator is a potential doorway to the planet. If the attendees are not using Periscope, you can bet your last dollar Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram is present. You can no longer think or act like, “There are only 100 people here.”
Preparation Matters – How prepared are you for a typical speaking engagement? Would you prepare differently if you knew your audience numbered 1,000, 100,000 or more? From my perspective the risk of “winging it” as a communicator, has gone up exponentially. You need to bring your “A-Game” every day.
The Opportunity is Huge – Think of the potential ripple effect for good. The audiences we can reach with Periscope and other technology is mind-boggling. Yes, in my scenario above, I was an unwitting participant. However, some leaders are already trying to proactively leverage this frontier technology. Check out Mike Hyatt’s post on Periscope.
The Internet has a Long Memory – In previous generations, yesterday’s news was the lining on the bottom of the birdcage today – no more. Today, if you say it, for good or ill, your comments can literally follow you the rest of your life. It is also extremely easy for your words to be taken out of context. Be thoughtful and prepared. Then, choose your words carefully.[GLS_Shield]
How will new technology change the way you lead?

2 replies on “My First Periscope Experience”

Thank you for this article Mark! This is very thought provoking and is indeed the ‘way of the future.’ I completely agree: bring your A-Game every day!

Mark, how true – our words reach farther than ever before, faster than ever before. New video technologies add to this and who knows where the future will take us? How we communicate is altered forever.

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