Organizational Effectiveness Workplace Culture

Harness The Power of a Start-up… Even if You Aren't in Start-up Mode

Have you ever been part of a start-up? Do you know people who have? Recently, I have had the opportunity to work with a group that is in this phase of their development as an organization. There are a lot of the attributes I see in them I want to borrow for my team.

Personal Effectiveness

The Irrational Power of the Calendar

I sometimes describe the calendar and the competing demands we face as a dragon that must be slain every day. On the days we prevail our influence increases. But the truth is, despite our best efforts, some days the dragon wins. Fortunately for us and those we lead, we have the opportunity to start fresh every day… but so does the dragon.

Organizational Effectiveness

Excel at Execution

When researching Chess Not Checkers, one of the truths that emerged almost immediately was the widely know fact: High Performance Organizations Excel at Execution. Although the chess analogy offered little opportunity to share football analogies, once Randy Gravitt and I began writing the Field Guide, we knew we would include some reference to Vince Lombardi, the legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers.