Leadership Teams

Leadership is Required

I’ve spent the last few weeks unpacking some of the lessons we’ve learned over the last 20 years about creating high-performance teams. I couldn’t conclude this series without sharing what may be the greatest learning of all…

Leadership Teams

What Can Leaders Learn from Tim Tebow?

Some of you are Tim Tebow fans and some of you are not – got it. Regardless of your feelings, let’s not miss the chance to learn something here about leadership. Here are a few things I’ve observed watching Tebow this season that have been great reminders for me.


Why Did People Follow Martin Luther King?

Why was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr able to stir the moral conscience of our nation? Why was he able to initiate social changes that were a century overdue? Why was he able to draw hundreds of thousands to the mall in Washington to hear those now famous words, “I have a dream?”

Leadership Results Teams

7 Resolutions to Improve Team Performance

As the New Year approaches, many teams envision a better 2012. However, hopes and dreams require purposeful actions in order to become reality. Following are a few ideas that will help any team improve their performance in 2012.


6000 Definitions of Leadership… and Counting

Ken Blanchard loves to challenge leaders with the question, “If a reporter stuck a mic in your face and said you’ve got 30 seconds – What’s your leadership point of view?  What would you say?”

Character Leadership

What’s Your Picture of Leadership?

I just returned from an amazing trip to Antarctica – I had the opportunity to see something I’ve been talking about for almost a decade. I’ve asked leaders around the world to think about what leadership really looks like. Have you ever thought about it? What does leadership look like?