
If You Want to Lead Well…

Everything rises and falls on leadership – EVERYTHING… schools, businesses, churches, hospitals, nations and homes. Leaders are the architects of the future. However, before we can create the future, there’s a significant hurdle all aspiring leaders must clear.

Character Leadership

The Heart of Leadership – Coming Soon!

I’ve shared this story before, but it is so perfect, I want to use it again… Many years ago, Peter Drucker was asked about which of his many books was his favorite. His response, “The next one.” On the eve of the release of my new book, The Heart of Leadership, I understand his comment completely.

Personal Effectiveness

What Do You Do With Feedback?

I’m reading a fascinating book, Practice Perfect. The sub-title is what captured my attention: 42 Rules to Get Better at Getting Better. That’s all I needed to read to buy the book. Admittedly, I’m a continuous improvement junkie – leaders usually are.

Leadership Today's Challenge

Today's Challenge: Advice

Each week, I respond to a question from a reader. In doing so, by default, I’m giving advice. I understand the risk inherent in this –I don’t know your situation. So, rather than offer direct advice, I’ve often deferred to sharing my personal experience or best practices I’ve learned from others. Today is different. The question I’ve been asked to answer is this: What advice do you have for me as a younger leader?

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Are You Being Stretched?

Leaders are learners. To learn we must stretch. To be stretched, we must be uncomfortable. Are you uncomfortable? Is something in your world causing you to learn new skills, establish new habits or strengthen your character? I hope so!

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

What's on Your Personal Scorecard?

I wrote a post in August, 2012 about how you might determine what key metrics should be included on your team scorecard. Today, I want to address a much more personal question. What’s on your personal scorecard?

Development Leadership Personal Effectiveness

It's What You Do After You're Tired…

During a recent session with my trainer, I had a new thought… Before I share it, let me tell you a little about Vince. He’s the one on the right in the photo below. Vince is not just a trainer – he’s a philosopher, a life coach, an accountability partner and a friend. A great combination if you can find all these attributes in one individual! I’m extremely thankful for his influence in my life – well beyond my physical fitness. Back to my revelation…

Character Leadership

Storms, Icebergs and Leadership

As I’ve suggested for many years, the iceberg is a great metaphor for leadership… the 10% above the waterline represents the skills of the leader and the 90% below the water represents the character of the leader. In an attempt to learn more about these unique products of nature, I ventured with my family to Antarctica.

Development Leadership Personal Effectiveness

How to be Successful…

Last week, I had the chance to be with 4000 Chick-fil-A people at our annual meeting. As usual, it was a time of celebration, recognition and challenge. One of my favorite sessions was with Dr. Henry Cloud. He shared a success principle that most people know – but often forget.

Development Personal Effectiveness

I Love it When a Plan Falls Apart

Last week, I wrote a post entitled, Start with the End in Mind. It was about the importance of taking the long view when creating a personal development plan. Let’s assume for the moment you do that and craft an amazing plan for the upcoming year. How will you respond when your plan doesn’t come together as you envisioned?