Personal Effectiveness

Resistance is the Enemy – Part 2

You know what you should do and yet time and time again there is an unseen force that stops you in your tracks – it is Resistance. In my previous post I began to unpack some of the signs and manifestations of Resistance: excuses, blame, procrastination, rationalization and fear. Today, a few more of the telltale marks of the enemy…

Personal Effectiveness

Resistance is the Enemy

“Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us.” These words appear early in Stephen Pressfield’s classic book, The War of Art. Unless you consider yourself an artist or creative person of sorts, you’ve probably not read this book – as a leader, you should.

Personal Effectiveness

4 Principles for a Better Life

Have you started working on your annual plan for 2016? One of my personal disciplines each year is to not only create a plan for the upcoming year, but to also assess what worked and what didn’t from the current year and attempt to improve the process.

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

I Hate It When I Do That…

The right question can unlock a world of possibility and insight. I recently sought counsel from an amazing consultant named Mark Levy to help me think deeply about some issues. One of his many strengths is asking great questions. This post is a response to one of his queries… What is it you don’t like about leadership?

Personal Effectiveness Strategic Planning

Win the Budget Tournament

Organizations of all sizes play a similar game every year. Groups of talented, highly motivated men and women invest weeks, if not months, creating plans and budgets for the upcoming year. Then, as a friend of mine describes it, the tournament begins. And, like most competitions, there are winners and losers.

Personal Effectiveness

The Irrational Power of the Calendar

I sometimes describe the calendar and the competing demands we face as a dragon that must be slain every day. On the days we prevail our influence increases. But the truth is, despite our best efforts, some days the dragon wins. Fortunately for us and those we lead, we have the opportunity to start fresh every day… but so does the dragon.

Organizational Effectiveness Personal Effectiveness

Be Careful Where You Aim – You Might Hit it There

When was the last time you took a vacation? This may seem like a random question, but it is not intended to be. One of the disciplines I have learned and had to relearn over the years is the value of getting away. Last week, I was able to spend a few days with my family at the beach. It was great! And as usual, even when I’m not working, I can still learn something…

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Battling the Unknown

Leaders spend much of our lives contemplating the unknown. We are tasked with, and welcome, the opportunity to create something that does not exist. We are travelers on a trail not yet established. If we are to lead well, we must learn to envision and create the future in the midst of the unknown.

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

The Key to Greater Impact

As I wrote this title, I wondered, “Is this true? Is there really a single “key” to greater impact? Should I choose different language?” Here’s what I know: I’ve been looking for ways to better steward my leadership for almost four decades. Some days I feel I get it right, other times I feel I’ve failed miserably. Through it all, this one idea surfaces again and again.

Leadership Personal Effectiveness

One Tool Every Leader Needs

How do you keep score as a leader? What key metrics ultimately determine whether you are winning or not? Several years ago, my coach asked me questions like these and others. I had to confess, I wasn’t sure I had good answers for him. His conclusion was: What key numbers does your leader hold you accountable to achieve?