Development Leadership Teams

Super Bowl XLVIII – Leadership Lessons from a Blowout

Although Super Bowl XLVIII wasn’t much of a game, Seattle’s big win over the Broncos provided enough leadership lessons to give you an MBA. Following are my top five observations from the game and a few questions to stimulate your thinking about personal application…

Development Leadership

Where are You on Your Leadership Journey?

Leadership as a journey is probably a tired metaphor. I’m as guilty as the next guy for wearing this out. I not only say it – I believe it! And as with any journey, there are stages or phases you and I consciously consider when planning a family vacation that we often overlook when we think about our leadership.

Development Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Who Helps You Make Important Decisions?

For thousands of years, wise leaders have assembled people around them to help them make good decisions. This practice can easily be found throughout the pages of history, but it also persists today – among the best leaders.

Development Leadership Personal Effectiveness

Training vs Trying

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been reminded again about the value of training. My family and I just returned from trekking in Peru. For several reasons, I was unable to train like I have for previous trips. As the trip approached, I made a classic error that transcends the outdoor adventure world: In the absence of training, I assumed I would just try harder.


How Good Do You Want to Be?

It seems as long as I can remember, I’ve been captivated by men and women who are at the top of their game – whether professional athletes, CEOs, doctors or artists. Do you ever wonder how they reached their elite status? What do you call “it” when you see it? I call it mastery.

Development Other Thoughts

The Building Champions Experience

People often ask me about events and experiences I’ve participated in that I’d be willing to recommend. Today, I want to be sure you know about an upcoming opportunity for personal growth and development: The Building Champions Experience.

Communication Development Personal Effectiveness

Make Your Presentations Memorable (Part 2)

Last week I shared the story of my plate spinning illustration to drive home a point of increasing complexity. Today, I want to talk about some less elaborate examples and share a few tips for making props work for your next presentation.

Development Leadership Teams

Are You Leading a Team or a Family?

I’ve been thinking and writing about teams a lot over the last few years. I’ve observed some great teams and many others who were struggling. The potential causes for underperformance are numerous. Recently I discovered a new one. Some teams struggle because the leader is not operating in a team paradigm.

Development Leadership Personal Effectiveness

It's What You Do After You're Tired…

During a recent session with my trainer, I had a new thought… Before I share it, let me tell you a little about Vince. He’s the one on the right in the photo below. Vince is not just a trainer – he’s a philosopher, a life coach, an accountability partner and a friend. A great combination if you can find all these attributes in one individual! I’m extremely thankful for his influence in my life – well beyond my physical fitness. Back to my revelation…


Today's Challenge: Who's Next?

Hans Finzel is the first person I heard say, “There is no success without a successor.” I’ve heard of leaders “trapped” in their current role because they didn’t have anyone prepared to move into their position. I’ve also talked to my share of leaders who’ve been caught short when someone left unexpectedly. These scenarios all reflect Today’s Challenge: How do we ensure an adequate supply of leaders for the future?